Planned Giving
Named for Los Angeles Master Chorale’s founding Music Director, the Roger Wagner Society honors and recognizes individuals who have expressed their commitment to the art of choral music by making an endowment or planned gift benefiting the Master Chorale.
Through this lasting legacy, Roger Wagner Society members help to ensure the long-term fiscal stability of the Master Chorale and preserve a vital cultural resource for future generations.
The Master Chorale works with The Music Center Foundation as our partner in the secure investment and stewardship of your planned gift.
Jeff and Joan Beal
Joni and Miles Benickes
Michael Breitner
Abbott Brown
Linda McNeal Brown
Raun and Jerry Burnham
Dr. Kathy Cairo
Robert Churella
Colburn Foundation
Margaret Sheehy Collins
Elizabeth Hofert Dailey ǂ
Bryant, Judi and Debra Danner
William Davis ǂ, in honor of Ted McAniff ǂ
Jennifer Diener
Ann Graham Ehringer ǂ
Hon. Michael W. Fitzgerald and Patrick Fitzgerald in honor of James P. Fitzgerald
William and Patricia Flumenbaum
Claudia ǂ and Mark Foster
Kathie and Alan Freeman
Janice Roosevelt Gerard
Kiki Ramos Gindler and David Gindler
Denise and Bob Hanisee
Geraldine Healy ǂ
Violet Jabara Jacobs ǂ
David and Elizabeth ǂ Kalifon
Estate of Stephen A. Kanter ǂ
Joyce ǂ and Kent Kresa
Lesley Leighton
Louise Lepley ǂ
Marjorie and Roger ǂ Lindbeck
Patricia A. MacLaren
Drs. Marguerite and Robert ǂ Marsh
Jane and Edward J. ǂ McAniff
Nancy and Robert Miller ǂ
Diane Morton
Ron Myrick
Raymond R. Neevel ǂ
Steven P. Neiffer and Eric Lassiter ǂ
Joyce and Donald J. ǂ Nores
Robert W. Olsen ǂ
Courtland Palmer
Cheryl Petersen and Roger Lustberg
Anne Shaw and Harrison Price ǂ
Hugh Ralston
Susan Erburu Reardon and George Reardon
Elizabeth Redmond ǂ
Penelope C. Roeder, Ph.D.
Phyllis and Larry Rothrock ǂ
Marshall Rutter and Terry Knowles
Carolyn and Scott Sanford
Barbara and Charles Schneider ǂ
Dona ǂ and David Schultz
Martha Ellen Scott ǂ
Shirley and Ralph Shapiro, in honor of Peter Mullin
Nancy and Richard Spelke
Sue Stamberger
George Sterne and Nicole Baker
Tom Strickler
Francine and Dal Alan ǂ Swain
Kristan and Philip A. Swan
Dr. Jonathan Talberg
Laney and Tom ǂ Techentin
William M. Tully in loving memory of Jane W. Tully
Madge van Adelsberg ǂ
Margaret White
Robert Wood ǂ
ǂ In memoriam
For more information about supporting the Master Chorale’s endowment and planned giving, to arrange for a private confidential consultation, or to inform us of your estate plans so that we may recognize your gift, please contact:
Chief Advancement Officer