Oratorio Project
We are excited to share that the Oratorio Project partner school for the 2024/25 academic year is Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual & Performing Arts.
Oratorio Project 2025 Performance
Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 7:00PM
Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual & Performing Arts Concert Hall

About the PROGRAM
The Oratorio Project was born out of our Voices Within program for 5th grade students. It immerses high school students into a collaborative process to write a large, complex work similar to an opera with arias, duets, and chorus. Students delve into historical and culturally rich subjects in order to find a meaningful story that they connect with, and then tell the storythrough music. The curriculum combines elements of music composition literacy skills and 21st Century learning, such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
Throughout the 20-week residency, students work in small groups to write the libretto (the story) and create the melodies for each movement of the oratorio, which can include arias, duets and choruses. As groups develop their individual movements, they are mentored by the artistic team to incorporate techniques that capture the voice of the character, propel the momentum of the plot, and paint the mood of the scene. After the oratorio is complete, students audition for featured roles and are coached vocally to prepare for the culmination performance.
The completed oratorio is premiered by the participating choir classes to a school-wide assembly and repeated for a community audience. The performance features the choirs, soloists, and instrumentalists (both High School and professional) who are joined by eight members of the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
PAST residencies
Granada Hills Charter High School
(Un)American: The Oratorio is an original work about the events surrounding the House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC). HUAC was formed in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyal and subversive activities being carried out by ordinary Americans against the United States. Words and melodies were written by choir students from Granada Hills Charter High School (GHCH), in collaboration with professional teaching artists from the Master Chorale. The 40-minute work was fully harmonized for choir, soloists and instruments and waspremiered on February 21, 2024 with students from GHCH joined onstage by singers from the Master Chorale.
Musical Movements
Movement 1: Red Scare
Movement 2: Communist Party
Movement 3: House Un-American Activities Committee "HUAC"
Movement 4: Guilty by Suspicion
Movement 5: Hollywood Blacklist
Movement 6: Resistance
Movement 7: Yippies page
Movement 8: Today
The Oratorio Project, a Voices Within program, is made possible by generous support from the California Arts Council, The Rose Hills Foundation, the Edward A. & Ai O. Shay Family Foundation, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, The Green Foundation, The Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation, Dwight Stuart Youth Fund, Walter and Holly Thomson Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee, Employees Community Fund of Boeing California, William H. Hannon Foundation, John and Beverly Stauffer Foundation, Lon V. Smith FWoundation, Sidney Stern Memorial Trust and The Music Man Foundation.

For more information about our education programs, contact:
Associate Director of Educationjmeza@lamasterchorale.org