Our Donors
The Los Angeles Master Chorale’s 2024–25 season is made possible by generous support from the Perenchio Foundation, the Colburn Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the LA County Department of Arts and Culture as part of Creative Recovery LA, an initiative funded by the American Rescue Plan.
The Los Angeles Master Chorale’s Swan Family Artist-in-Residence is made possible by
Kristan and Philip Swan.
AmaWaterways is the Official River Cruise Line of the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
The Los Angeles Master Chorale is honored to recognize the individuals and institutions that generously support our world-class professional choral ensemble and impactful education programs. We sincerely thank the following individual donors, who have contributed $300 or more to the annual fund from June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. Special thanks to our multi-year donors, whose gifts ensure a healthy base for our future.
* In memoriam
The Leadership Circle ($100,000+) honors and celebrates the Los Angeles Master Chorale’s most distinguished donor community. Established in 2019 with a challenge grant from the Abbott L. Brown Foundation, the Leadership Circle enables transformative projects— from commissioning, recording, and artistic innovation, to ambitious community engagement programming and touring productions. Members receive exclusive recognition and event experiences throughout the year.
Jeff and Joan Beal
Joni* and Miles Benickes
Marla Borowski
Dr. Kathy Cairo
Margaret Sheehy Collins
Bryant, Judi, and Debra Danner
Jennifer Diener
Hon. Michael W. Fitzgerald and Mr. Arturo Vargas
Patrick R. Fitzgerald
William and Patricia Flumenbaum
Kiki Ramos Gindler and David Gindler
Terri and Jerry Kohl
Diane Morton
James R. Mulally
Ron Myrick
Steven P. Neiffer and Eric Lassiter*
Courtland Palmer
Cheryl Petersen and Roger Lustberg
Susan Erburu Reardon and George Reardon
Jennifer and Evan Rosenfeld
Laura Smolowe and Adam O'Byrne
Tom Strickler
Jason Subotky and Anne Akiko Meyers
Kristan and Philip A. Swan
Laney and Tom* Techentin
William M. Tully in loving memory of Jane W. Tully
Andrea and Gregory Williams
ARTISTIC DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($50,000 - $99,999)
The Artistic Director’s Circle brings together generous Los Angeles Master Chorale donors in support of the bold vision of Grant Gershon, Kiki & David Gindler Artistic Director. As key stakeholders, members play a vital role in advancing our mission and programs through significant contributions of $50,000 - $99,999. Enjoy special opportunities throughout the season to engage with artists, singers, and the music we love.
Denise and Robert Hanisee
Jenny S. Kim and Chip W. Baik
Marian and John* Niles
ENSEMBLE CIRCLE ($25,000 - $49,999)
Jerrie Paula Ortega-Brown and Abbott L. Brown
Kathleen Elowitt
Frank and Berta Gehry
Martha and Nora Groves
Jennifer Hoang and Brian Krechman
Terry Knowles and Marshall Rutter*
Marjorie Lindbeck
The Lovelace Family in honor of Lillian Lovelace
Molly Munger and Stephen English
Naseem Nixon
Casper Partovi and Jackie Petitto
Phyllis and Larry Rothrock*
Grace Sheldon-Williams and Greg Williams
SPONSORS CIRCLE ($10,000 - $24,999)
Thomas and Judith Beckmen
John and Louise Bryson
The SahanDaywi Foundation
Lisa Field
Berkeley and Kristin Harrison
Judith Jenkins
Robin and Craig Justice
Thomas F. Kranz
Shawn Kravich
Anahita and Jim Lovelace
Jane and Edward J.* McAniff
Kenneth and Patricia McKenna
Robert L. Mendow
Carolyn L. Miller
Christine M. Ofiesh
Orange County Opera
Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner
Lisa Richardson
Melissa and Alex Romain
Ann* and Robert Ronus
Rosemary Schroeder
Eva and Marc Stern
Catherine and Howard* Stone
Priscilla and Curtis Tamkin
Ian and Barbara White-Thomson
Alyce de Roulet Williamson
$5,000 - $9,999
Theodore and Kathy Calleton, in memory of Edward J. McAniff
Evelyn Feintech
Lorna Fitzgerald
The Michael and Lori Milken Family Foundation
Louise Moriarty and Patrick Stack
Robert and Sally Neely
Bea Nemlaha
Eric Olson and Carol Brode
Ornest Family Foundation in honor of Martha Groves
John Perkins in memory of Ann Perkins
Claudette Rogers
Lorraine Saunders
Booker and Sarita White
$3,000 - $4,999
Diane and Noel Applebaum
Vince Bertoni and Damon Hein
Suzanne C. Brown in honor of Grant Gershon and my LAMC friends
Craig and Mary Deutsche
Greg and Jill Hoenes
Lawrence and Mireya Jones
Dr. Patricia A. Keating
Frank* and Mona Mapel
Estate of Robert W. Olsen
Nishan and Cindy Partamian
John Powell
Sue Stamberger
Neeyah Lynn Rose Stephens
Melanie and Bill Switzer
Jocelyn Towne and Simon Helberg
Craig Webb
Rudolf H. Ziesenhenne
$1,500 - $2,999
Dr. Christina Benson, M.D. and Dr. Kenneth Wells, M.D.
Jerry Bluestein and Regine Wood
James Cronk
Kathleen and Terry* Dooley
Dr. William and Mrs. Mary Duxler
Irma Fitzgibbons, in honor of Sonia Randazzo
Andrew Glassford and Andrew Graff
Paul and Missy Jennings
Elissa Johnston and Grant Gershon
David Kalifon
Thomas and Gloria Lang
Jennifer and Joey Li
June and Simon Li
Susan and Bob Long
John Lundgren, M.D. and Susan Jay, Ph.D.
Rob and Christie Martin
Kathleen McCarthy
Mr. Robin Meadow and Ms. Margaret Stevens
Jeff Melvoin
Hannah Pastrano
Gary and Marina Raines
Ilean and Steve* Rogers
Frank D. Rubin
Kristina Segesvary
Nancy and Dick Spelke
J. Theodore Struck and Al Whitley*
Betsey Tyler
Marilene Wang
Michele and David Wilson
$600 - $1,499
Dr. Minnie McMillan
Michael and Marianne S. Newman in honor of Ted and Jane McAniff
G. Brad Klein, M.D. and Victoria Hansen
Masako Maki
Gordon and Vacharee Fell
Paul and Catherine Tosetti
Harold and Penny Ray
Barbara and Heinrich Schelbert
Alma Guzman
Marilyn J. Prewoznik
Carli V. Rogers in memory of Anthony Rogers
Ann and Christine Horton
John and Sue Clauss
Barbara A. Teichert
Laurie Samitaur Smith
Cynthia Ison
Ms. Diana Gould and Dr. Kirsten Grimstad
Carol A. Smith
Jane Galbraith
Dr. Lawrence and Jane Z. Cohen
Kathleen Reiss
Ray and Eleanor Siebert
Richard P. Jensen
Mr. Ken Kwapis and Ms. Marisa Silver
Dr. Annette L. Ermshar and Mr. Dan Monahan
Heidi Novaes
Eleanor Congdon
Dr. Nicholas K. Menzies and Dr. Melinda Herrold-Menzies
Dr. Iwona Trybus
Barbara Byrne
Vic Pallos and Emilie Pallos
Michael and Lori Milken
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Lorri and Steve Benson
Michael Fishbein
Elizabeth and Jimmy Greenway
Donald and Jill Spuehler
Barbara and Joel Marcus
Christopher W. Knight
Wade and JoAnn Bourne
Jim B. Clarke, in honor of Martha Groves
Christine Upton
Penelope C. Roeder, Ph.D.
Rick and Becky Thyne
Frank Jarvis
Marc Seltzer and Chris Snyder
Margaret Sabbag with appreciation for Lorna Fitzgerald
Jerilyn and Peter McAniff
Mira Hashmall
Suzanne Gilman
Beth Hansen in honor of Sonia Randazzo
Marjorie Thomson
Tom and Susan Somerset
Chip and Sharyn Moore
Carrie Kirshman and Jerry Podczaski
Paul and Janet Gordon
David and Rebekah Yanni
Tomoko Iwakawa
Thomas Dwyer and Pamela Perkins-Dwyer
Elizabeth Turner
Mary Rourke
Jeanie Fiskin
Daniel Angus Ryan
Ernesto Martinez
Dr. Reena Esmail and Vijay Gupta
Corey Field
Steve Gilbreath in memory of Lauran Gilbreath
Kat and Thomas Zimmerman
Travis J. Howell in memory of James Howell
Terry and Chip Marvin
Peggy Loukas
Ellen Kurt
Lisa Smolen
Sandra Helen Goodenough
James Ingalls
Rob Bailis
Daryl and Sandy Phillips
Marc Seltzer and Chris Snyder
$300 - $599
Bette Cook
Elinor and Rubin Turner
Loong Kong
Jeffrey and Susan Berman
Diane Thomas and Ray Frauenholz
Madison F. Richardson, M.D.
Linda J. Hodge
Margaret Garvey
Rhonda Lawrence
Barbara E. Wagner
Dr. Andrew Blaine and Dr. Leigh Lindsey
Marsha Berman
Julia and John Eidsvoog
Linda and Harry Kusuda
Timothy W. Henderson
Kai-Li and Hal Quigley
Arline Dillman
John Lundgren, M.D. and Susan Jay, Ph.D.
Jared Diamond, Ph.D. and Marie Cohen, Ph.D.
Richard W. Olsen
Thomas Peterson
Anita and Harold* Tsuji
Rajan Dosaj
Dr. Jayne E. Campbell in memory of Nina Hinson
Cecelia R. Andrews
Phil and Marsha Bartenetti
Louisa Moore
Kathleen and James Drummy
Kay Devonshire
Mandy and Steve Brigham
Leslie Dodson
Brian L. Wong
James Lyerly and Tracy Van Fleet
Edwin T. Robinson
Beverly Marksbury
Suzanne and Dan Carroll
Patrick Beller
Kenneth Roehrs and Sara McGah
Carol and François Rigolot
Neil Olson
Jason Vierzba
Barbara Jex Courter
Glenn Orton
Pablo Corá and Reuben Sanchez
Stewart Johnston
Teresa Ward in memory of Kermit E. Ward
Haydee and Jim Toedtman in honor of Lois Erburu
Brent Collins
Deb Podus
Karen Sapio and Anthony Becker
Carolyn Lehmkuhl
Suellen Eslinger
Tom Moore
Lou and Denise Marchant
Brydon and Beverly Shirk
Amy P. Tice in memory of Daniel J. Chaney
Dr. and Mrs. Monte Purcelli
Dianne Hantos and Dr. Peter Hantos
Rick and Susan Amante
Iris and Robert Rickenbach
Deborah and William H. Brown, III
Imke Schroeder
Lee Wochner
Maggie Rheinstein
Marleen Scheffy
Ann W. Wang
Michael Abels
Carla Rivera in honor of Emma Rivera
Candy Renick
Robert Israel
Felecia Scott, in honor of Ron Myrick
Kathleen Scheinfeld
Tig Notaro
Adrian Schreiber in honor of Scott and Lisa Altman
Steven Fraider
Hanan Yaqub and Nancy Baumgart Coonis
Trudy Sonia
$150 - $299
Kim Aaron
Allyson and Todd Aldrich
Rick and Susan Amante
Robert C. Anderson
Teresa Anderson-Dvoracek
Anonymous (2)
Lorna Ariondo
Murray Aronson
Brent and Jan Assink
Linda Atkinson
Andrea Barkan-Kennedy
Samela Beasom
Donna Beckage
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Annette Billings
Dr. Andrew Blaine and Dr. Leigh Lindsey
Thomas and Chloe Botz
Roger Brown
Curtis and Jean Byer
Becky Chao
Mary Ann Chausée
Frederic Cohen and Antoinette Adams
Anne Morss Combs
Donald and Bette Cook
Corinna Cotsen and Lee Rosenbaum
Areta Crowell
Doug M. Crowley
Rosa Cumare in memory of Don Nores and in honor of Joyce Nores
Lisa F. Curtis
Sandra Cutuli
Kay Devonshire
Arline Dillman
Sarah Doering in memory of Fred Doering
Caroline and Donnie Dove
Esther Edber
Kerry Ehrin
Bonnie Ericson and Daniel Blake
Suellen Eslinger
Robert and Anne Lee Farber
Mide and Virginia Fawcett in honor of Carol Reich and Steven Harmes
Arthur and Marjorie Fine in honor of Bob and Denise Hanisee
Virginia Ford Karen and Michael Freed
Peter Furby Loretta S. Genelin
Steve Gilbreath in memory of Lauran Gilbreath
David and Melissa Giuli
Donald Goldman and Valeria Lezin
Kristen Goulde
Harry Groener
Annie Gross
Patricia Guy in honor of Martha Groves
Jeannette Hall
Elizabeth and Brian Hall
Margo Halsted and Peter LeSourd
Elizabeth Hanger in memory of Peter Sutheim
Barbara Knowles Hanson
Bret Hembd
Marsha Hirano-Nakanishi
Peter Holzer
Michael Homan
Elizabeth Hynes
Cynthia Ison
Jeffrey Janis
Joelle and David Keene
Adrienne K. Keenon
Susan E. Kelsey
William Kendall
Ms. Dana Breaux Kennedy in memory of Barbara Breaux Minton
Carrie Kirshman and Jerry Podczaski
Robin Kneubuhl
Marshall and Hannah Kramer
Allan and Krisitin Kreiger
Sarah J. Lang
Paul Lazarus
Peggy Lessinger
Fred Manaster
Beverly Makrsbury
Cynthia Marty in memory of Gregory Young
Marlene Meister
Sharon Morgan
John E. Mosley
Marsha Nikora
Sean O’Connor
Steve Padilla Judith Palmer and Nancy Walcott
Nancy Perloff
Jack and Sandra Powazek
Dean and Judy Pruitt
Sherry Reames
John Reichert and Jean Woodrow
Maggie Rheinstein
Sharon Rhodes-Wickett
David D. Robinson Thomas C. Roby
Shirley Rude
Douglas Russell Daniel Angus Ryan
Kerrie Sadler Felecia Scott in honor of Ron Myrick
Alima Sherman and William Gamble
Ray and Eleanor Siebert
Kerry Silverstrom
Davil and Beverly Speak Della Speer
Nadya S. Starr Debra Steward in honor of Pamela Perkins-Dwyer
Diane Stokes
Janet Stone
J. Thomas and Barbara Strout
Ed Summers
Marjorie Thomson Haydee and Jim Teodtman in honor of Lois Erburu Kim Upton
Dr. Gilbert Valentine
Ilene Weingarten Ahlene Welsh
Dianne Wintrob
Brian L. Wong
Jean and Walt Wood
Jean Woodrow
$99 - $149
Nicole Adrien
James and Randi Aguiar
Karen Hohman Almeida
Lisa E. Andersen in memory of Darolyn Andersen
Ruth Bachofner
Ruth Bachofner
Debra Bagley
Stan Bartosiak
Margaret Bates and Scott Johnson
Hannelore Bauer and Rhoads Stephenson
Karen Bell and Robert Cox
Nicole Belmont
Bobbie and Paul Bent
Coleen Bentley
Mary Louise Blackstone and Donald Burnett
Lindsey Boice
Debra L. Boyd
Ursula Bradshaw
Doug and Glenda Bro
Roger and Marilyn Browning
James P. Buonemani
Bonnie Busenberg and Tom Helliwell
Alonso Calderon
Harry and Cecilia Chandler
Linda Chang
Aimee Chao
Bradley Chapman
Mary Ann Chausée
Edward and Karin Costello
Karen Cox
Sally Crock
William Curtis
Sandra Cutuli
Jeanne Davenport
Carolyn J. Davis
Pamela Davis
Joseph C. Dayball
Cecilia and Jose De Souza
Anne and Ray Destabelle
Donna Di Grazia
Caroline and Donnie Dove
Gerald Dutcher
Alicia Emerson
Carolyn S. Estrada
Thomas Faughnan
Laurie Fisher
Jeanie Fiskin
Ann Fossan
Louise J. Fox
Judith Franz in honor of Martha Groves and Michael Reynolds
Emma and Stephen Friend
Stephen and Grace Galton
Lisa Garcia
Peter Gardner
Loretta S. Genelin
Joseph Gentile
Barbara Goldman in memory of Ann Graham Ehringer
Janet Goodwin
Philip G. Grant
Gail P. Green in honor of Mark Edward Smith
Maya Hadar
Meredith Harewood, M.D.
Lee Hendrix
Dwight B. Holmes
Marina Hsieh
Patricia Jauchler
Richard and Janet Johnson
Jerry Johnson and Leana Kleinman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Karns
Cecilia Kienast
Susan Klein
Angela Knechtel
Susan Kotses
Diane LaSalle
Sara Layne
Paul Lazarus and Kitty McNamee
Barbara Leonard
Sara Lewis
Stacy Lieberman
Scott G. Liggett
Daniel H. Lowenstein
Joseph MacDonald
Roger and Ruth MacFarlane
Elke Maluschka
Fred Manaster
Michael Martin
Cynthia Marty in memory of Gregory Young
Margaurite Mathis-Clark in memory of Bob Hebert
Alex T. Matich
Dr. Joseph Matthews, in honor of Grant Gershon
Christopher May
Debi Medway
Frank Melton in honor of Terry Knowles & Marshall Rutter
Mark Michaels
Alice Kirwan Murray
John and Gale Musker
Geoff Nelson
Diana Nevins in memory of Curtis Ray Joiner, Jr.
Mary D. Nichols
Karen Nusbaum
Cynthia O'Connor
Teresa O'Neill
Ellen and Otis Chen, in honor of Anne Tryba and John Hale
Drs. Jim and Seana Pathman
Scott Pearson
Jordania Pereyra
Lynne Porter
Timothy and Wendy Pylko
Faith Raiguel and Billy Weber in honor of Phil and Norma
John Redmond
Douglas Russell
Gaye Saxon
Wanda Schenk
Joan Severa
Alima Sherman and William Gamble
Cathie Sherman Greer
Kerry Silverstrom
Susan Simmons
Christopher John Smith
Elizabeth Snowden-Ifft
Robert Stapp
Peter Stoller in honor of Claire Pegram and Jules Pegram
John Kelly Strader
Cooke and Elaine Sunoo, in memory of Clifford Albert Miller
Lee Taylor
Patrice Theard in memory of Dr. Lowell Paul Theard
Jean H. and Jimmy E. Throckmorton
Mina Tran
Langka Domberger
Anne Tryba and John Hale
Julian van Eyken
Giovanni Villa
Robert and Joylene Wagner
Nancy Way, in honor of Naomi Schmidt
Amy and Tom Webber in memory of John and Cindy Moore
Ilene Weingarten
Jilleen Westbrook
Philip and Maia White
Heather White in memory of Ted McAniff
Jann and Kenneth S. Williams
Todd Withers in memory of Bill Withers
Jean Woodrow
Mark Zarem
To report an error, omission, or change in your listing, please contact us.
FRIENDS LINE: 213-972-4355