Los Angeles Master Chorale | Walt Disney Concert Hall

Donor Profile: Cheryl Petersen


Cheryl Petersen and her husband, Roger Lustberg.

Cheryl Petersen and her husband, Roger Lustberg.

You have been a Master Chorale board member for 17 years. How has the organization evolved over this time, and what changes have you noticed?  
I think that the Master Chorale gets better every year, both musically and organizationally. We are so fortunate to have Grant Gershon and Jean Davidson to inspire and guide us. And, of course, we have a fantastic group of singers who outdo themselves each season!  
Over the years I have been very pleased to see the growing presence of contemporary composers in the Master Chorale’s performances. I believe this is critical to the group’s relevance.  
How did you come to be involved with the Master Chorale?  
My husband, Roger Lustberg, and I had been subscribers for several years, and a friend of ours, Everett Meiners (then a Master Chorale board member), asked if I would be interested in joining the board. I jumped at the chance, as Roger and I greatly enjoyed the programs, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to the organization. (Sadly, I could never help out on the vocal side; I wasn’t born with the right genes.)  
What do you consider to be the most rewarding part of being a supporter of the Master Chorale? 
The music, of course! 
What has been your favorite, most memorable concert?   
This is such a difficult question because there have been so many wonderful concerts. I guess my favorites would be any performance of the Rachmaninoff All-Night Vigil or Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem. I enjoy all of Shawn Kirchner’s arrangements, especially Wana Baraka.  
I love the High School Choir Festival every year at Disney Hall. The sound of 1,000 voices in Disney is so moving. It’s an unbelievable hour of enthusiasm. 
The Master Chorale is well underway planning for its future, with you and the rest of the board having just approved a five-year plan. What are you most excited about seeing next out of the Master Chorale?  
The Master Chorale is a leader in the choral world, and I would expect it to increasingly build its artistic ability, perform new music as well as classical favorites, and help increase the size of the choral community. We are lucky to have Grant and Jean, who will continue to set the bar high for the organization and for all of us. Our happy challenge will be to keep up with them! 
